Saturday 3 October 2015

Risks Assigned to the Project Schedule

September 16, 2015 Q: Risks Assigned to the Project Schedule Is there an easy way to quickly view how all project risks are assigned? As part of our project reviews we someway to show and justify our risk assignment. A: In order to perform schedule risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulations with risk events or risk driver, you need to assign risks to tasks or resources. There are several ways to view how your risks are assigned to the project. If you would like to see the risk assignments for each task, you can go to the Task Information > Risks tab. This will list each risk that has been assigned to the task. (picture) The same is true if you would like to view which risks are assigned to particular resources. In this case, you would go to the Resources view > Resource Information> Risks. Finally, in the Report tab > Report: All Risks view you can generate a report that includes all task and resource risk assignments for each risk. This report can be printed directly from the File > Print menu, or saved in CSV format. The report can be customized to include or exclude specific risk information.

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