Saturday 24 October 2015

Calendars for Projects vs. Calendars for Portfolio

October 19, 2015 Q: Calendars for Projects vs. Calendars for Portfolio In RiskyProject Enterprise I don't understand what calendar is used for individual project and what calendar is used for project portfolio. A: In RiskyProject we have both portfolio and project calendar. Portfolio calendar is applied only for calculating and drawing portfolio Gantt chart. In current version of RiskyProject we don't have links between different project. Therefore portfolio calendar applied only to duration of the individual project shown on the Project Portfolio view. In current version of RiskyProject 6.1 portfolio calendar is only Standard. Portfolio calendar does not affect results of Monte Carlo simulations. Project calendar can be different. You can define it for individual project. It is defined in Schedule -> Project Settings. Project calendar is a default calendar for individual project. Each particular resources or tasks may have its own calendar. Generally RiskyProject uses the same logic as Microsoft Project. Project calendar affects results of Monte Carlo simulations. If you brings schedule created in Microsoft Project or any other software into RiskyProject, project calendar will be imported. For more information please visit

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