Wednesday 21 October 2015

Monte Carlo Cost Analysis in Microsoft Project

October 8, 2015 Q: Monte Carlo Cost Analysis in Microsoft Project We are running integrated cost and schedule monte carlo risk analysis using your Microsoft Project's addin. However, we are not seeing any results for the cost. A: If you are not seeing any results for cost risk analysis, it is typically because the cost data has been excluded from the Monte Carlo simulation. When running simulations on Project schedules, by default RiskyProject always runs analysis on the schedule. However, new with version 6, if you are either using the Addin to either calculate or export the results to the RiskyProject standalone, you are given the option to exclude some data types (including cost) as a way to improve performance and decrease the time required to complete the simulations, which can be extremely useful when analyzing extremely large schedules. To check whether or not you are excluding cost from the analysis, go to the Field Mappings dialog box, the same dialog in which you mapped the cost fields, and at the bottom there are a series of check boxes. If a check box is selected that data will be excluded from the analysis. For more information please visit

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