Saturday 31 October 2015

Filtering risks that are shown in risk register

October 25, 2015 Q: Filtering risks that are shown in risk register Filtering risks that are shown in risk register A: You can use risk properties to filter the risks which appear in the risk register. Risks are automatically ranked based on risks scores regardless of the filter applied. The first thing is to check the list of default custom properties that are provided in the Risk Information > Custom Properties tab. If you need to create a new custom property you can create them using the Risks > Settings > Default Properties view. When you add risks to the risk register, you then need to enter the associated value into the property for all the risks to ensure that you can filter on that property. In the Risk Register, click the Filter button and then create the Filter. In the example below, the risk register show the risks with the Location value = Phase One. You can use Boolean logic to build additional conditions that must be met. For more information please visit

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