Wednesday 21 October 2015

How are deadlines used in Monte Carlo Schedule Risk Analysis

October 5, 2015 Q: How are deadlines used in Monte Carlo Schedule Risk Analysis We normally have deadlines defined in our schedules from Microsoft Project. How are they used in RiskyProject and will they affect the results of our schedule risk analysis. A:RiskyProject will recognize deadlines if they are defined in MSP or they can be set in RiskyProject after you have imported your schedule. Deadlines have 3 different options and are set in the Task Information > Deadlines for each task. No Actions: the deadline can be used only as a visualization on the Gantt chart End Task: the task will end at the deadline set and this will impact the results of the monte carlo schedule risk analysis. Cancel Task: the task will be cancelled and this number of times the task is cancelled will be reflected in the Success Rate chart. For more information please visit

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