Friday 23 October 2015

NPV calculation settings

October 14, 2015 Q: NPV calculation settings We are going to be using the Cash flow analysis, but noticed that whenever we open a project it seems to have a 10% NPV as a default. Can we modify it? A: The NPV discount default rate is used calculate the net present value of the project as is especially useful in cases where the project will have both costs and incomes to understand future values of the project. The default discount rate is set in the Project Options>Cost>NPV Calculation box. To set the value as the default value, click Set as Default. One thing to note that when you run a Monte Carlo cost risk analysis, the NPV is calculated automatically. However, you can recalculate the NPV using a different discount rate without rerunning the simulation using the Recalculate NPV button. For more information please visit

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