Wednesday 16 December 2015

November 26, 2015

Q: Importing resource leveled schedules

I have a question on how to best handle resource leveling in risky project. In my MS Project schedule I have leveling delay to ensure that the nominal schedule is in balance however this information is not transferred to Risky Project. My question is, what is recommended strategy for resource constrained schedules in risky project.

A: We do not currently perform resource leveling in RiskyProject as there are several issues with probabilistic resource leveling whose solution is unclear. For example, all if not most, scheduling software have proprietary algorithms in regards to how the resource leveling is actually performed and how each resource is allocated. Each of these software may save the level schedule in different formats. Therefore because of this uncertainty, at the current time we recommend that after users import their schedule they create explicit Finish Start links between the activities resources to which the resources are assigned. This will roughly approximate the effect of resource leveling on schedules.

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