Saturday 26 December 2015

Lags in RiskyProject

December 9, 2015

Q: Lags in RiskyProject

I have read that lags can create issues when running schedule risk analysis. However the schedules I have require them due to actual delays between when one activity starts and the next one can begin. Are there any standard rules about when you should keep or remove lags.

A: Lags are typically put in place by schedulers when there will be a delay in between the end of one activity and the start of another one. This often occurs in construction projects when activities are delayed until the concrete is finished setting. These types of lags, with finish start relationships are legitimate and should be kept in schedule. Lags which are put into to artificially set preconceived dates are a form of gaming a schedule to provide buffers or margin and should be avoided in any schedules, in particular ones that are going to be used for schedule risk analysis.
In schedule risk analysis, the goal is to have as few constraints as possible so that the project updates naturally to changes in activity durations. Any type of logic that impedes this will lessen the validity of your analysis.

In RiskyProject we have a probabilistic lag. It is defined in Predecessors tab of Task Information Dialog:

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