Monday 28 December 2015

Tornado Chart is missing

December 15 2015

Q: Tornado Chart is missing

After we run the Monte Carlo risks analysis, the Tornado chart only seems to show a few of the activities and the rest are filtered out. Why is this happening and how can add more activities to the view?

A: In an effort to simplify the interface and the amount of data shown in this view, we apply a cut off value such that it only shows activities or risks to which selected project parameters show a significant sensitivity. This is consistent with our goal to always provide views that prioritize and rank critical activities or risks so that they can be easily identified and support the project decision making process.
The filter is applied using a minimum sensitivity coefficient. By default, it is set to 0.16 which we typically find is a reasonable cut off value which will display the most critical values without adding populating too many rows in the Tornado chart.
You can modify this sensitivity coefficient in the Project Options, Calculations tab. Depending on the size and complexity of your project, you can experiment with this value so that it meets your analysis requirements.

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