Tuesday 29 December 2015

How do I add the Risk Matrix to a report.

December 15, 2015

Q: How do I add the Risk Matrix to a report.

As part of our project risk reporting we would like to include the Risk Matrix, is there any way to add this to the Risk Register report for the project portfolio?

A: The risk register report only includes the risk matrix for specific risks, there is no way to add the risk matrix showing all of the project risks to the risk register. The Risk Register reporting views can all be used for Ad-hoc report though and specifically the Risky Matrix with all of the project risks using either the Printing feature or you can save the Risk Matrix as an image.
To print the risk matrix, open the Risk Matrix View. Select the risks that you want to include. The from the File menu, choose Print, Print Preview to view the chart. Then click Print. To save the risk matrix as an image, right-click on the risk matrix and from the shortcut menu, click Copy chart to file. You can then save the matrix as an image on a local drive. All major image types are supported.

For more information visit: www.intaver.com


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