Sunday 27 December 2015

Monte Carlo simulation results for tasks

December 9, 2015

Q: Monte Carlo simulation results for tasks

Have you thought of any easier method to bring up the task charts? Once we have run the simulations, it would be nice just to select a task and bring up the results. Now it takes a couple of extra clicks, which seems unnecessary.

A: After you have run the Monte Carlo schedule risk assessment, you can quickly open the Task charts in any of the Gantt Chart views by double-clicking on the task bar. The charts are available in the Project View, Results Gantt, Success Rate, and Crucial Task.
In the example below, we can see the Crucial Task view is open, by double-click on the task’s bar in the Gantt Chart portion of the view, you can quickly bring up the simulation results, without either using the right-click menu or the Task Simulation Results buttons found on the Analysis tab.

For more information visit:

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