Thursday 26 November 2015

User log in RiskyProject Enterprise

November 20, 2015

Q: User log in RiskyProject Enterprise
Can see how many people logged on and what changes did they make in the RiskyProject Enterprise?

A: RiskyProject Enterprise session log can be found in Files->Users->Logon History. It includes list of all activities and closed sessions with user name and computer ID, so you can see who logged on to the system and when. Administrator can delete sessions from the log. If logoff time is empty, it means that session is in progress of the user did not properly logged off (shut down computer or killed RiskyProject).
To see other information related to use activities you may use risk history: double click on risk ID, and then go to history tab. Administrators can edit these logs for all users, while users can edit only their own records. You cannot see any log if user changes schedules, or import schedule from Microsoft Project or Primavera to RiskyProject.

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