Tuesday 3 November 2015

Are hidden columns included when you import data from MS Pro

October 25, 2015

Q: Are hidden columns included when you import data from MS Pro
We are going to be using the Addin to move our MS Project data to RiskyProject for cost and schedule risks analysis. If we have hidden columns, is that data included in the export?

A: When you import data into RiskyProject from Microsoft Project via the RiskyProject Addin in Microsoft Project or using XML export/import, by default all of the project data is included. This includes if you hide columns, or have filtered views. This do not impact what data is included in the files.
However, I f you are using the Addin, you can select to exclude specific data types . By limiting the amount of data you can improved the performance of the simulations in MS Project (using the Addin) or importing it in to RiskyProject. On large schedules this can have a significant impact on the time and computer resources required to run the Monte Carlo simulations.
You can exclude this data using the Field Mappings dialog box. In the example below, Custom Fields, Deadlines, and Notes will not be imported into #RiskyProject.

For more information please visit www.intaver.com


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