Sunday 8 November 2015

Monte Carlo simulation performance

November 3, 2015

Q: Monte Carlo simulation performance
As part of our project reporting, we have to provide schedule risk analysis on a monthly basis. Currently, the master schedule is over 10000 tasks and is resource loaded. We use the MS Project addin to export the xml to RiskyProject and the size of file now is over GB and is maxing out the computers memory etc. Do you have any tips to speed up the process. We can’t modify the file, so that is out of the question.

A: If the Addin is still exporting an xml file from MS Project, you must still be on version 5. In the latest version 6.x, we have replaced the xml format with a proprietary data file which allows us to automatically eliminate around 90% of the data transferred as it is not required for the schedule or cost risk analysis . In addition, users can customize the data transfer as well, by eliminating unneeded project data such as Notes, Custom Fields, Deadlines, and Cost (if you are only running schedule risk analysis.
By eliminating extraneous data from the analysis, with the current version we have been able to improve the time required to export data and run a simulation from 10 to 30 times. This is a significant improvement and it means that analysis that used to take an hour can be done in minutes and what took minutes now only takes seconds.
See our news release at:

For more information please visit

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