Saturday 14 November 2015

November 9, 2015

Q: Restoring Links with Microsoft Project files
I have made a *.mpp project and from the MS project started the riskyproject application. However when I move both files I am not able maintain the link between the two program. What shall I do? Where can tie files together again?

A: The file linkage that you mention is based upon the location of the files. When you use the Addin to export the data from Microsoft Project to RiskyProject it creates a link in your registry that includes the file names. The link includes the path and name of both files for example c:\My Documents\Test.mpp=c:\My Documents\Test.alm.
The linkage feature only works if the location of the mpp file is the same. For example, if you move the mpp file location, when you export the data, RiskyProject will look to see if there is already a mapping saved in the registry. But because the file is moved, it will not find a match and it creates a new file, but it is now linked to the moved mpp file.
However if the data in the Microsoft Project file is the same and you can import your risks from your existing alm file as risks are linked using the task unique ID in Microsoft Project and these do not change even if you delete or add new tasks.
To import the risks, in RiskProject choose File (icon in the top left) > Import > Risks From Another Project. Browse to the original *.alm file and click OK to import the risks.

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