Thursday 26 November 2015

Risk Outcome Cancel Task and Successors

November 20, 2015

Q: Risk Outcome Cancel Task and Successors
What risk outcome "Cancel task and all successors" means if I have complex network and multiple paths?

A: If your define a risk and risk outcome is "Cancel Task + All successors", it would mean that this task will can cancelled and all successors of this tasks will be canceled at the same time with the same probability. In the example bellow risk is applied to the first task called "Risk1", but "Risk2" and "Risk3" will also be cancelled at the same time. Cancelation means that duration will be set to zero. Cost of cancelled task depends when cancelation event occurred and cost accrual rules. RiskyProject has a notion of moment of risk. Risk may occur any time during a course of activity. It is defined by statistical distribution. If risk occurred at the middle of activities and cost accrual is set to prorated, than RiskyProject will calculate cost as 50% of total cost. If risk outcome is "Cancel Task + All successors", the same rule will be applied to all successors of this task.
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