Sunday 15 May 2016

Viewing results of simulations as percentiles on Gantt chart

May 4, 2016

Q: Viewing results of simulations as percentiles on Gantt chart
The Result Gantt seems to show two bars for each activity: original schedule and the Mean results. As well the distribution is shown for start and finish times for low and high. Is there anyway that we can just show the Blue bar as specific percentage?

A: By default, the Result Gant shows the deterministic schedule as a white bar and the Results as a blue bar. The results (blue) bar by default shows the mean value (Start or Finish Time). However, if you right-click on the Gantt Chart, you can switch the results bar to either Low or High results. In the example below, we have selected the High results and which are show as a darker blue by default.
The Low and High results are percentiles or certainty levels and are defined in the Project Options > Calculation dialog box. In the example below, if you choose Show High Results, the Result Gantt will use P70 for the blue bar.

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