Tuesday 24 May 2016

Concurrent users

May 18, 2016

Q: Concurrent users
Does RiskyProject enterprise support concurrent users?

A: This has a yes and no answer. First, we do get asked this about RiskyProject Professional and Lite and the in these cases the answer is a definite no. The licensing on the desktop solutions requires every computer that the software is installed on requires a license key.

For RiskyProject Enterprise the answer is a bit more nuanced. Technically, the licensing system supports concurrent licensing. However, we recommend named users for a couple of reasons:

1. For concurrent users these is data integrity issue in cases where users forget to log off
2. Cost – Licensing cost of concurrent users is substantially higher than named users.

For more information please visit: http://www.intaver.com/IntaverFrm/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1255


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