Sunday 15 May 2016

Viewing results of analysis in MS Project

May 4, 2016

Q: Viewing results of analysis in MS Project
Can I launch MS Project directly from RiskyProject Enterprise to see results of calculation in MS Project.

A: Yes. You can launch Microsoft Project from RiskyProject Professional and RiskyProject enterprise. You can see original project schedule and results of analysis. On a background RiskyProject will save original or risk adjusted project schedule to the temporary XML file, then it will launch Microsoft Project and pass temporary file path as a parameter.

To can launch Microsoft Project from RiskyProject :
1. Run a simulation, go to File > Launch > Microsoft Project.
2. The Export Schedule dialog box opens.
3. Choose one of the provided options and click OK.

This will launch Microsoft Project, you will be given the option to open it as a new file or update an existing one.

For more information please visit:

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