Monday 16 May 2016

Simulation results for work

May 10, 2016

Q: Simulation results for work
How can I see statistical distribution for work; how it is calculated?

A: The simulation results for work are available for both a project, activities, and resource/activity. Work is the actual amount of hours or days of work (or time on task) required to finish the project, not including non-working time. Because many resources can be work on a single activity and project. The calculated work can often far exceed the calendar hours in which the project or task is performed. For example if you have 4 resources working 100% of the time on a 8 hr project. The project duration is 8hrs, but work would be 32 hrs.

To view the work results for a project:
1. Run a simulation.
2. Click the Analysis > Project Summary view on the ribbon.
3. In the Project Summary, click the Statistical Data for Work button.

For more information please visit:


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