Sunday 21 August 2016

Summary report in RiskyProject

August 16, 2016

Q: Summary report in RiskyProject
Can I generate a report which shows a summary for all risks: number of opened and closed risks, number of threats and opportunities, etc.?

A: RiskyProject has a summary report for all risks in risk register. To access summary report please go to Risks -> Risk Register and click on summary of right upper corner of the view. This summary represents all information about risks in risk register. Please note that this information is for all risks, regardless what is shown within a view. For example, you may use a filter which shows only all opened risks. Summary will present both opened and closed risks. Summary shows:
- opened and closed risks,
- threat, opportunities and their combination,
- risks, issues, lessons learned
- number of mitigation and response plans
- information about risk reviews
- cost of risks

For more information please visit:

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