Monday 1 August 2016

Number of columns to be printed

June 16, 2016

Q: Number of columns to be printed
How can I adjust number of columns to be printed or saved in the PDF file?

A: RiskyProject allows to print and save to PDF file almost all views and charts. RiskyProject print chart based on how it is presented in RiskyProject view. You need to adjust width of the columns and insert/high column you want to print. For example, if you want to print risk description and risk name from Risk Register, you need to select these column in Risk Register view.

You can also adjust maximum number of columns to be printed. To do it, please click on File -> Print -> Page Setup. At the bottom of the dialog you can adjust number of columns to be printed for each view. This number does not include ID columns. In view ID columns are always present and will always be printed.

For more information please visit:

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