Saturday 6 August 2016

Does RiskyProject support multiple triggers for the same risk?

July 22, 2016

Q: Multiple Triggers
Does RiskyProject support multiple triggers for the same risk?

A: RiskyProject does not have multiple triggers for one risks as part of Qualitative risk analysis. Only one trigger can be applied for the risk. Triggers for qualitative risk analysis are defined using Risk Form:
- Go to Risky Register or Risk Property View
- double click on Risk ID
- Go to Property tab
- Select trigger from risk grip down list; this list will show all risks in the risk register.
This trigger does not affect results of quantitative risk analysis. In quantitative risk analysis you can define risk correlation. If define that one risk is correlated with another risk, they will occur at the same time. It is not exactly trigger, because if one risk occur it does not automatically change probability of another risk.

For more infrormation please visit:

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