Saturday 6 August 2016

Automatic Monte Carlo simulation

July 22, 2016

Q: Automatic Monte Carlo simulation
I noticed that sometimes for smaller schedules Monte Carlo simulations are performed automatically, without pressing Calculate button? When should I press Calculate button for Monte Carlo?

A: RiskyProject automatically performs Monte Carlo simulation of small schedules. At the same time RiskyProject always performs automatic deterministic calculation of project schedules using Critical Path Method. It is different from Microsoft Project where you can enable or disable automatic deterministic calculation of project schedules.

You can enable and disable automatic Monte Carlo simulations of small schedules. It is done using Schedule -> Tools -> Project Options (Calculation tab).
If you enable Automatic Monte Carlo calculation, RiskyProject will check number of tasks, number of risks, number of resources, number of iterations and convergence monitoring criteria. The criteria for automatic calculation is different for different version of RiskyProject. Computer performance is always improving and we always relax these criteria. These criteria are defined such way that Monte Carlo will run no more than 1-2 seconds on most modern computers. If you don't see results of Monte Carlo calculations it would mean that automatic calculation is not done and you need to press Calculate button.

For more infrormation please visit:

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