Saturday 27 August 2016

Risk score calculation algorithm

August 16, 2016

Q: Risk score calculation algorithm
What is the risk score calculation algorithm in RiskyProject if I have risk which belong to different categories?

A: Risk score is calculated as probability multiplied on impact. In example below risk 'Delay in Financing' has a probability 65% impact 52%. The score equals 33.8%. However if risk affects multiple categories the calculation is a little but more complex. Risk impact for each risk category is multiplied on weight or 'overall importance' of each category. Weight is calculated using matrix, which can be found at Risk -> Risk Categories -> Weights. Then impacts for all categories are summed together. Finally they are normalized such way maximum impact cannot be greater than 1. Then scores for each risks are calculated.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 21 August 2016

Calendar exceptions in RiskyProject

August 16, 2016

Q: Calendar exceptions in RiskyProject
Can I define specific non-working days (calendar exceptions) in RiskyProject?

A: You can define any calendar exceptions in RiskyProject. To do it, click on Schedule -> Schedule and Calendar and then click on Calendar icon. Working time dialog comes up. You may now click on any working day and any day of the week and define non working time. You may define non-working hours within a day as well as you can define that full day will be non-working. If day is non working the day within a calendar will have a yellow strip above a date. You can also define that this date will be "Standard Working Time" (8 a.m to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.), morning off (1 p.m. to 5 p.m.), afternoon off (8 a.m. to 12 p.m.), or 24 hours working day.

For more information please visit:

Summary report in RiskyProject

August 16, 2016

Q: Summary report in RiskyProject
Can I generate a report which shows a summary for all risks: number of opened and closed risks, number of threats and opportunities, etc.?

A: RiskyProject has a summary report for all risks in risk register. To access summary report please go to Risks -> Risk Register and click on summary of right upper corner of the view. This summary represents all information about risks in risk register. Please note that this information is for all risks, regardless what is shown within a view. For example, you may use a filter which shows only all opened risks. Summary will present both opened and closed risks. Summary shows:
- opened and closed risks,
- threat, opportunities and their combination,
- risks, issues, lessons learned
- number of mitigation and response plans
- information about risk reviews
- cost of risks

For more information please visit:

Saturday 13 August 2016

Entering risk properties

August 4, 2016

Q: Entering risk properties
I define custom risk property called "Risk Duration". How can enter value for this risk property?

A: I current version of RiskyProject 6.1 you can define risk property in "Risk Properties" dialog. You can also associate the type of risk property and define maximum and minimum values if required. You cannot enter actual data for this risk property to the grid, but you can use "Custom property" tab in Risk Information dialog box (double click on risk ID in the risk register). It is important to note that custom risk properties are presented with this tab in the same order as in Risk Properties dialog. RiskyProject will validate risk property when you enter it. After you enter Risk Property in can be viewed with Risk Register. You can also use Filter to find risk with this risk property.

For more information please visit:

Fixed cost distribution

August 4, 2016

Q: Fixed cost distribution
In RiskyProject I defined distribution to fixed cost. Can I define distribution for variable cost as well?

A: Variable cost in project scheduling software applications including RiskyProject is not defined directly. It is defined by resources (material, cost, and work) assigned to the tasks. If resource cost is prorated, task's variable cost will depend on duration of the task. Since in risk analysis task duration is uncertain (variable), cost associated with the task will be also variable. You can also define uncertainties associated with rate of resources. Some risks can affect the rate: the rate can increase or reduce if the risk occurs. It will also contribute to the variable cost of the task. RiskyProject does not have risk or uncertainties associated with units of resource allocation.

For more information please visit:

Friday 12 August 2016

Does task duration include non-working days?

Q: Non-working days
Does task duration include non-working days?

A: The answer is no, the entered or calculate task duration does not include non-working days. For example, if you have a duration of 10 days, and there is a long weekend in the middle. The actual number of calendars days could be 15 days because of a potential 5 non-working days.

We can see in the example below that a task with 5 days duration that starts on a Tuesday and ends Monday crosses over weekend, will actually take an estimated 7 calendar days to complete. Microsoft Project has an elapsed duration data type. It is a task duration in calendar day. If you transfer Microsoft Project schedule to RiskyProject, elapsed duration will be converted to duration without non working days based on start and finish times of tasks.

For more information please visit:

How do actuals impact results

August 4, 2016

Q: How do actuals impact results
I have some actuals in my project, how are they going to affect the results?

A: The status of the actuals can have a large impact on the forecasted activity and project finish times. In the example below, we can see the original deterministic schedule in red, but the actuals show that the project has slipped by a week. This means that the Simulation will now use the finish date of the actuals as the starting date for the simulation. This is because the slippage is what we consider a “sunk cost”. It has already occurred, therefore the simulation must take it into account. In addition, if activities are partially completed, the calculation prorates the risks and uncertainties to account for the % complete.

For more information please visit:

Monday 8 August 2016

Difference in calculation between versions 5 and version 6.1.

July 29, 2016

Q: Difference in calculation between versions 5 and version 6.1.
Just installed 6.1 and it looks like there is a difference between results between previous versions. Is there a reason for this?

A: With version 6.1 , we significantly improved the processing speed of the Monte Carlo simulations through data optimization, which means we now require far less memory), algorithm improvements, and multi-processing. It is the multi-processing that is the cause of the slight variation in results. Because iterations are now being performed on multiple threads, the order in which they occur has changed with slightly impacts the results. However, for purposes of project risk analysis, the impact is not significant as seen in the comparison below.

For more infrormation please visit:

How many projects are allowed in RiskyProject Enterprise?

July 29, 2016

Q: How many projects are allowed in RiskyProject Enterprise?

We are planning to have over 100 projects. Are there any limitations to the number of projects?

A: This is one of those “it depends” answers. There are no hard coded technical limits to the number of projects. However, if you are going saving thousands of projects, with schedule and cost data, then the type of database server software and hardware you have could be important. However based on our experience, this issue has largely become irrelevant with the most recent server software and hardware. The system requirements for RiskyProject Enterprise server are relatively trivial. You would not experience any performance problems with up to thousand large projects.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 7 August 2016

How can I print risk register report

July 22, 2016

Q: How can I print risk register report
How can I print risk register report - all visible risk in the risk register?

A: You can print Risk Register report by simply clicking on File -> Print -> Print or File -> Print -> Print Preview in Risk Register or Risk Properties view. It works the same way as in all other views, such as Project view, Risk Mitigation View, etc. It is always possible to print whatever is presented on the risk register. Report will repeat the order columns in the risk register. You can define maximum number of columns for printing as well as row height for printing using File -> Print-> Page Setup dialog. Row height also controls font height, because RiskyProject will fit test to the row.

For more infrormation please visit:

New RiskyProject value added reseller

July 25, 2016

New RiskyProject value added reseller

Intaver Institute is excited to welcome Don Shannon, the Contract Coach (, as a new value added reseller of the RiskyProject line of project risk analysis and management software. Mr. Shannon is highly respected management consultant and specializes in the area of contract management. He is a current Fellow of the National Contract Management Association, and is certified as a DML by the Society of Logistics Engineers, and as a PMP the Program Management Institute. In addition to acting as a reseller of RiskyProject, the Contract Coach offers management consulting services in manufacturing and service industries for contract and program management.

For more information please visit:

Saturday 6 August 2016

Does RiskyProject support multiple triggers for the same risk?

July 22, 2016

Q: Multiple Triggers
Does RiskyProject support multiple triggers for the same risk?

A: RiskyProject does not have multiple triggers for one risks as part of Qualitative risk analysis. Only one trigger can be applied for the risk. Triggers for qualitative risk analysis are defined using Risk Form:
- Go to Risky Register or Risk Property View
- double click on Risk ID
- Go to Property tab
- Select trigger from risk grip down list; this list will show all risks in the risk register.
This trigger does not affect results of quantitative risk analysis. In quantitative risk analysis you can define risk correlation. If define that one risk is correlated with another risk, they will occur at the same time. It is not exactly trigger, because if one risk occur it does not automatically change probability of another risk.

For more infrormation please visit:

Automatic Monte Carlo simulation

July 22, 2016

Q: Automatic Monte Carlo simulation
I noticed that sometimes for smaller schedules Monte Carlo simulations are performed automatically, without pressing Calculate button? When should I press Calculate button for Monte Carlo?

A: RiskyProject automatically performs Monte Carlo simulation of small schedules. At the same time RiskyProject always performs automatic deterministic calculation of project schedules using Critical Path Method. It is different from Microsoft Project where you can enable or disable automatic deterministic calculation of project schedules.

You can enable and disable automatic Monte Carlo simulations of small schedules. It is done using Schedule -> Tools -> Project Options (Calculation tab).
If you enable Automatic Monte Carlo calculation, RiskyProject will check number of tasks, number of risks, number of resources, number of iterations and convergence monitoring criteria. The criteria for automatic calculation is different for different version of RiskyProject. Computer performance is always improving and we always relax these criteria. These criteria are defined such way that Monte Carlo will run no more than 1-2 seconds on most modern computers. If you don't see results of Monte Carlo calculations it would mean that automatic calculation is not done and you need to press Calculate button.

For more infrormation please visit:

Monday 1 August 2016

Adding logos to reports

July 15, 2016

Q: Adding logos to reports
When I generate a report, the default Intaver logo is there. Is there any way to remove this and replace with my company logo.

A: Yes, for both the #Risk and #Statistics report you can add your logo and placement:
• Footer or header
• Left or right
This is found the Report Header and Report Footer sections of the Format Report dialog box.

For more information please visit:

Work units

July 15, 2016

Q: Work units
Is it possible to assign risk to work units? If not what is the work around

A: You cannot directly “risk” work units. Work units are a measure of the amount of time spent on a particular task and are generally a function of resource assignment. Also the task type as discussed here: affect how units may vary.
If you use a task type Fixed Units, then the units will never vary. However, if you use Fixed Work varying duration will recalculate units, or Fixed Duration varying work will recalculate units. With this knowledge in mind, it is then possible to risk units by assigning duration risks to Fixed Work tasks, or assigning a duration risk to resources assigned to Fixed Duration tasks.

For more information please visit:

Number of pages in the report

July 15, 2016

Q: Number of pages in the report
How many pages can be included to the risk report?

A: Quick answer is that programmatically, there is no set limit. However, depending on the amount of data you are tracking in the risk register (Properties, reviews, mitigation plans, etc.) it can be very data intensive and the time required to generate the reports will depend upon your system resources. The same is true for statistics report. You can select very many tasks. The report can be generated for each of them. But it will take some time to scroll, print and analyze many page of the report.

For more information please visit:

Recommended practices for defining low and high estimates

June 27, 2016

Q: Recommended practices for defining low and high estimates
What are the best practices to define low and high estimates schedule or cost risk analysis?

A: This is an interesting question, if you are asking about how to determine the values for low and high estimates, there is a lot of good information around. We recommend estimations be based on:

• Historical data or data about previous similar projects.
• Measurements of the current project’s performance.

However, if you are asking how to enter low and high estimates, this can be done in several steps.

1. Create classes of activities whose level of risk is similar. Often this is referred to as reference classes. Though each activity will have different durations, for all activities in a class will have similar relative uncertainties, which can be defined as factors or coefficients of the base duration. Therefore a certain class may have relative uncertainties of -10% (optimistic) and +20% (pessimistic).
We often see projects with anywhere from 3 to 9 reference classes to define uncertainties for activities.
2. Identify appropriate statistical distribution to apply to the uncertainties. Typically, we recommend triangular, unless there is other data to suggest an alternate distribution type such as lognormal, Beta, BetaPert etc.
3. Give each class an identifier code: e.g low, medium, high.
4. Create a column which will contain the identifier code.
5. For each activity, add the appropriate identifier code corresponding to their level of uncertainty.
6. Using the Find function, create a search parameters that will find all activities with the identifier code that equals Low.
7. Click Find. This will highlight all of the activities that meet the criteria.
8. Right click on the Task ID of one of the highlighted activities.
9. From the shortcut menu, choose Set Low/High Duration (or Cost)
10. Select the option, multiply on coefficient.
11. Enter the coefficients and statistical distribution.
12. Click OK
13. Repeat for all other groups of activities.

For more information please visit:

Task types

June 27, 2016

Q: Task types
What are Fixed Units/Fixed Duration/Fixed Work

A: Every task can be either Fixed Duration, Fixed Units, or Fixed Work. What this does is set out the business rules for what should happen if duration, work or units is changed. The especially important if you have a resource loaded schedule that calculates work based on resource units.

For example if duration is fixed and you change the duration. This means that one of the other two parameters, work or units must also change to account for the changes in duration. It could be that if duration increases, then either there more work will have to be performed (increase work) or the original amount of work will take place over a longer period of time (decrease units). You can set the task type in the Task Information -> Advanced tab.

For more information please visit:

Creating reports in PDF format

June 27, 2016

Q: Creating reports in PDF format
Can I generate report for group of risks as PDF for RiskyProject Enterprise?

A: Yes you can if you have a PDF print driver available on your network.
First calculate your project. Then go to the Risks -> Risk Report. Select the risks you want to report on by highlighting them in the list of risks shown on the left pane of the view. From the File menu, click Print. From the Print menu select the PDF printer. Here you can also select particular page you want to print.

For more information please visit:

Number of columns to be printed

June 16, 2016

Q: Number of columns to be printed
How can I adjust number of columns to be printed or saved in the PDF file?

A: RiskyProject allows to print and save to PDF file almost all views and charts. RiskyProject print chart based on how it is presented in RiskyProject view. You need to adjust width of the columns and insert/high column you want to print. For example, if you want to print risk description and risk name from Risk Register, you need to select these column in Risk Register view.

You can also adjust maximum number of columns to be printed. To do it, please click on File -> Print -> Page Setup. At the bottom of the dialog you can adjust number of columns to be printed for each view. This number does not include ID columns. In view ID columns are always present and will always be printed.

For more information please visit:

Defining Contingencies in RiskyProject

June 16, 2016

Q: Defining Contingencies in RiskyProject
How can I define contingency buffer in RiskyProject?

A: Contingencies are generally defined using confidence levels, that is percentiles or P values based on the results of the Monte Carlo simulation. For example a standard schedule contingency or margin is P80 or the finish date or duration in which the project will finish in at or less 80% of the time. For risk tolerant companies this value may be P70 for very risk averse, this value may be above P90.

You can quickly set up your Monte Carlo simulation results so that your contingency level is automatically displayed as the High results in the Analysis reports, such as the Project Summary for project results or Result Gantt for activity results.

To set contingency levels:

1. Open the Project Options > Calculations
2. In the Low and high time, duration, and cost are calculated based on: group, set the P values for low and high. In the example below, the Custom Percentiles option is selected and the P values are P30 for low and P80 for high. In this case we will be using P80 to calculate contingency.

For more information please visit:

Filtering risks

June 16, 2016

Q: Filtering risks

Can I filter risks in risk register based on some parameters, such as sunset time?

A: Yes, the risk register comes with a built in filtering capability. Risks can be sorted on any property that exists in the risk register including properties in the Risk Properties dialog as well as any custom properties that you have defined.

The risk register filter is located on the top left of the risk register and allows you to set multiple conditions for the filter using Boolean logic. In the example below we would be looking for risks that could occur prior to June 6 2016 and sunset prior to June 1, 2017 in the Western Division.

For more information please visit:

Intaver Institute announced two new webinars

Intaver Institute News
June 9, 2016

Intaver Institute announced two new webinars

Intaver Institute announced two new webinars. The first webinar titled 'Sensitivity analysis: Prioritizing Risks and Activities' is focused to performing ' sensitivity analysis in RiskyProject. This webinar will be held Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 10 a.m. MST. The second webinar 'Using RiskyProject as a Risk Register' will help you to learn how to perform basic qualitative risk analysis and risk management in RiskyProject. This webinar will be held Tuesday, Sept 13, 2016 at 10 a.m. MST. For more information to register to our webinars please click here.

Renaming project

June 1, 2016

Q: Renaming project
How can I rename project within project hierarchy and update project parameters?

A: When you create new project in RiskyProject Enterprise by using New Project menu item, you can define any name of this project. However when you already defined a project schedule for this project, you cannot rename project unless you open it. To open a project just double click on project ID. The project will become editable. You can rename project as well as change other project settings, for example project start time. If you change project start time, it will be shifted. After you close the project, the new name will be reflected in the project hierarchy, but will become read only.

For more information please visit: