Wednesday 30 September 2015

User Permissions in RiskyProject

September 10, 2015 Q: User Permissions in RiskyProject We are planning to use RiskyProject Enterprise and are planning eventually have 3-4 divisions using the system on the same database. Is there a process to restrict user’s access to specific projects? Some of the results of the monte carlo simulations are not considered appropriate for members of other teams etc. A: Yes, RiskyProject Enterprise comes with a User Administration Console. The User Administration Console can set up permissions for any user to any part of the project hierarchy. The idea is that each user may have an access to the specific projects and cannot see information (risks) assigned to other projects. To do this, click the File icon (on the top left corner of the screen), and choose Users. Then click the Project Permissions tab and select a hierarchy node in the left pane. All users are listed in the right pane. You can allow or deny user access to the node you selected by clicking the check box beside the user name. For more information please visit:

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