Tuesday 15 September 2015

September 6, 2015 Q: Order of views in Monte Carlo Statistics Report The statistics report looks pretty useful feature for schedule risk analysis. We would prefer however to have sensitivity analysis shown before the other charts. And we would probably like fewer charts per task. A: You can change the order of views shown in Statistics Report with results of Monte Carlo simulations. This view shows results of Monte Carlo simulation of project schedules, including probability disruptions for task and project duration, start and finish time, cost, as well as results of sensitivity analysis presented as tornado diagrams. Not sure if you noticed, but there is a Customize Report button that is located at the bottom of the list of tasks on the left of the view. If you click it, the Format Statistics Report dialog box opens. The main options to set up the chart data are located in the middle of the dialog, the Charts and Data and Order of Data tables option groups. The first group allows to set up how the frequency and cumulative probability data is shown in the Report. Click a checkbox to enable that chart or data type. The only condition is that you can either combine the Monte Carlo frequency and probability plots into one chart or show them separately, you cannot have both. In the Order of Data Tables, this allows you to enable the charts for the different data types as well as, using the Move Up and Move Down button, create and set the default order of the charts. http://www.intaver.com/IntaverFrm/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1110

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