Tuesday 15 September 2015

Q: Risk properties and risk analysis

September 9, 2015 Q: Risk properties and risk analysis Does the Start and End dates in the Risk Properties view impact the risk analysis? Particularly, in the Risk Properties view, does the risk Start and End Dates affect the results of the Monte Carlo risk analysis? A: Quick answer is no, the Start and End dates of the risk (sometimes referred to as sunrise and sunset) are part of the meta data used as part of the risk management process, but is not used as a input parameter in the Monte Carlo schedule risk analysis. Risk does have a time dimension in addition to probability and impacts; however, when you assign risks to activities or resources, this time dimension of the risk is automatically accounted for by the time phased aspect of the tasks within the project schedule and resources assigned to them. http://www.intaver.com/IntaverFrm/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1114

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