Saturday 19 September 2015

Switch from project to portfolio risk analysis

September 1, 2015 Q: Switch from project to portfolio risk analysis I use RiskyProject professional for project risk analysis. I would like to do portfolio risk analysis using RiskyProject Enterprise. How can I switch from project to portfolio risk analysis? A: RiskyProject Lite and RiskyProject Professional perform analysis of single project only. If you want to preform risk analysis based on shared list of risks for your organization, you would need to use RiskyProject Enterprise. RiskyProject Enterprise you two components: server and client. The server component is a database which needs to be installed on the server. The client component is essentially RiskyProject Professional or RiskyProject Lite, which can be installed on client computer. The client component needs to be configured to talk with the database on the server. If you already have RiskyProject Professional you need to install server component and configure RiskyProject Professional connection to the database. All instructions how to install server component can be found in RiskyProject Administrator’s guide, which comes with RiskyProject install package. Server database is using Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express version 2005 and up. When you install RiskyProject server database you need to go Tools->Update RiskyProject License. The License Wizard dialog will come up. There are three possible configurations of RiskyProject: Trial License, Regular Desktop license, and Enterprise client. You current configuration will be grayed out. You select different configuration: in your case it will be Enterprise client. After this you need to close RiskyProject Professional. When you start RiskyProject again you need to configure connection to the database as it is described in RiskyProject Administrator’s guide. After you configure connection between RiskyProject Professional and server database you may perform Monte Carlo Schedule and Cost risk analysis for all particular projects within a portfolio. Risks and results of Monte Carlo simulations will be saved in the database and shared between different users on your organization.

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