Saturday 1 October 2016

How do I use the Local Risk view

September 25, 2016

Q: How do I use the Local Risk view
I noticed that there is a “Local Risks” view that you can only open up via the All Views dialog. What is it used for.

A: With the new Drag N’ Drop risk, the Local Risks view’s previous primary use (assigning risks to specific groups of tasks) was somewhat superseded and for space purposes, it was moved off of the main ribbons and workflow bars. However, it is still very useful for advanced users who want to quickly editing groups of risk assignments.

To open the Local Risk view, on the ribbon click All Views > Local Risks. If you have a group of activities with one or more common risks that you would like to modify, select those activities from the list on the left. Any risks that is assigned to all of the tasks will appear in the small risk list on the left. This list includes not only the risks, but each risk outcome assignment. You can now modify these risks. Note: The risk view uses an AND operator for selected tasks when displaying risks. For example, if you select Task1, Task2, and Task3 only risks assigned to all 3 of the tasks will be shown.

For more information please visit:

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