Sunday 30 October 2016

View cost distribution for specific time intervals

October 26, 2016

Q: View cost distribution for specific time intervals.
Is it possible to see the Monte Carlo charts for cost over a specific interval rather than an activity?

A: Yes, this information is available in the Cashflow view with provides forecasts about expected revenues (cost and income) over the course of a project.
To view the cost results for a specific interval:
1. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab >, Cashflow view.
2. Select the time interval from the Periodicity drop-down list. The intervals can be monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
3. Double-click on the interval or right-click and select Results for selected interval. The Monte Carlo Simulation Results charts open.

For more information please visit:

Printing Histograms or Cumulative Probability Charts

October 26, 2016

Q: Printing Histograms or Cumulative Probability Charts
How can I print the simulation result charts?

A: The quickest way to get a printed or hardcopy of the simulation results charts is to open the results that you want to print. This can be for activities on the Result Gantt or the project in the Project Summary. Once you have the charts open in RiskyProject, right-click and from the shortcut menu you can copy the chart image to the clipboard or as an image file.

You can use the image in presentation or document, which you can then print. Typically, people will copy the images into a standard report. It is also possible to print the charts using the Statistics Report.

For more information please visit:

Saturday 29 October 2016

Joint Confidence for Activities

October 26, 2016

Q: Joint Confidence for Activities
Is there anyway to calculate the chance that a milestone will meet both cost and schedule goals?

A: The probability that you will meet both cost and schedule objectives is often referred to as the Joint Confidence Level (JCL). RiskyProject calculates and visualizes the results on the Cost vs. Duration Scatter Plot that can be viewed from the Project Summary view. To view the JCL plot, click the Cost vs. Duration Scatter Plot button.
Joint Confidence is the product of the chance of meeting cost and duration values and can be expressed as JCL= ChanceDuration * ChanceCost where chance is expressed as a coefficient i.e. 0.5. With this in mind, it is possible to manually calculate the chance that you will meet both cost and schedule objectives for any activity in the schedule. Once you have run the simulation, open the Result Gantt. Select the milestone or activity that you want to calculate the joint confidence.

Click the Probability Plot button to open the simulation results. Double click on the Cost chart to bring up the details view. Using the Statistics view, check the Deterministic value. This should be your objective. Then compare this to the values in the Percentiles tab. The Percentiles listed are equal to the chance that you will meet that cost or be lower. Record the percentile that represent the deterministic value.
Repeat this for the Finish Time (or Duration) chart. You should end up with 2 values, for example Cost P35 and Finish Time is P55.

JCL = Cost (.35) * FinishTime (.55)
JCL= 19.25%

In layman’s terms this would mean you have a less than 1 in 5 chance of meeting both cost and schedule.

For more information please visit:

Master Schedules

October 21, 2016

Q: Master Schedules
How does RiskyProject manage MS Project Master schedules?

A: Essentially RiskyProject merges a master schedule with n subprojects into 1 large schedule. Cross project links are converted into standard links such as in a schedule in MS Project is converted to RiskyProject schedule. You will not notice this if you run the analysis using the RiskyProject MSP Addin; however, if you open the Master Project in RiskyProject you will see that cross project links are shown as a standard link in the Predecessors tab of the Task Information view.

In addition, if you compare the task numbering, RiskyProject renumbers all tasks in the Master Schedule; whereas in MS Project each subproject has its own task numbering. Because MS Master Projects do not have unique task numbers (there can be n Task 1s etc.) this RiskyProject relies on unique WBS IDs to properly convert the subprojects to a single project file.

For more information please visit:

Monday 24 October 2016

Customising the Tornado Chart

October 21, 2016

Q: Customising the Tornado Chart
It seems that the Tornado Chart has different colors for different types of data and different calculations. Can you modify the colors? Also, which is the preferred “Sensitivity calculation algorithm”. Does it change the ranking at all?

A: IThe color schemes are hardcoded and correspond with the underlying Windows theme colors. Therefore the outside frame color cannot be changed, but you can modify how the actual data is formatted using the Application Look dialog in the Tools > Resources and Settings.
RiskyProject comes with 2 sensitivity algorithms: Rank order correlation coefficient and Contribution to variance. Both are based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and return the same order of results. Many people prefer the Contribution to variance as it provides a more context into the relative scale that each activity or risk is contribution to the overall variance in a particular parameter (cost, finish time, etc). If your audience is not familiar with correlation coefficients, the contribution to variance provides a more easily understandable measure. For example if your project has $2M at risk, the contribution to variance shows the % of that that can be identified with a particular activity or risk.

In the example, if there was $2M at risk, the Task 19 is contributing 34% or approximately $680K. This is much easier for project team to understand the potential impact.

For more information please visit:

Calendar Exceptions

October 21, 2016

Q: Calendar Exceptions
Is there any way to customize the calendars such that every 2nd Friday is a half day or similar recurring exceptions to the basic project calendar?

A: RiskyProject does not provide a mechanism to automatically add reoccurring exceptions, such as half days every 2nd Friday. You have to add them manually add them to the calendar in the Working Time dialog box.
Note: RiskyProject will recognize nonstandard recurrent exceptions defined in MS Project or other scheduling software.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 23 October 2016

Viewing overallocation

October 13, 2016

Q: Viewing overallocation
Can I view statistical distribution for resource allocation units for different time internals.

A: In RiskyProject you cannot view statistical distribution for resource allocation units directly. You can view statistical distribution for work for different tasks, as well as statistical distribution for duration. However you can view resource allocation for different time intervals for low, base, and high estimates of your project schedule. To do it please calculate your project schedule first, then go to Schedule -> Resources and then select Cur.Schedule, Low Results, Base Results, or High Results within a right pane. You will be able to view Peak Units, Work, Overallocation and Percent Allocation. To switch units simply right click on right pane and select type of data you want to view.

For more information please visit:

Named on concurrent users

October 13, 2016

Q: Named on concurrent users
How to switch between named or concurrent user licensing in RiskyProject Enterprise?

A: When you install RiskyProject Enterprise you need enter RiskyProject licensing information. It is done in File -> User Management -> Users. Intaver Institute supplies license file which includes this information in encrypted format.

License file includes the following information:
Number of users
Type of users: concurrent or named. If users are concurrent, only limited number of users can be logged on to the enterprise system at the same time. If users are named, only limited number of user names can entered to the system.
Duration of the license.
To switch from named user to concurrent user and vice versa you need different license file. You can update license file at any moment.

For more information please visit:

Saturday 15 October 2016

Duration units

October 4, 2016

Q: Duration units
Can different task have different duration units?

A: The quick answer is no as the duration unit for activities is a global project setting (set for entire project). This is common to most (if not all) scheduling software.

The duration unit (hours, days, weeks etc.) are set in the Schedule tab> Settings and Options > Project Options > Duration.

For more information please visit:

Define distribution for start time of the task

October 4, 2016

Q: Define distribution for start time of the task
Is it possible to set uncertainties for task start times?

A: Yes, however cases in which this can be used are limited such as the first activity in the project as otherwise start times are a product of the precedent network. To set uncertainty for start times on a activity, right-click on the activity ID and choose Task Information.

- In the General tab, set Low (early) and High (late) start times for the activity.

Click the Distributions tab.
- Select the Start Time sub tab.
- Select a distribution from the Distribution drop down list. The shape and parameters of teh charted in the Probability Density chart to the right.
- Depending upon the distribution type, you can modify parameters (e.g. Most Likely)
- Click OK to assign the distribution.

For more information please visit:

Monday 10 October 2016

Moving project start times

October 4, 2016

Q: Moving project start times
We have old project schedules that we use as templates, but need to shift the start dates for new projects, can we do this in RiskyProject?

A: Yes, you can shift the project start times forward in RiskyProject by resetting the Project Start date in the Project Settings.
To shift the project start times, on the Schedule tab go to Settings and Options > Project Settings. Click in the Project Start time box, and select a new project start time. You can also manually edit the date to update the project start time.

Note: If your project has any hard constraints, such as must start on or finish on, this will prevent the project from shifting successfully. We recommend all constraints be set to As soon as possible.

For more information please visit:

Saturday 1 October 2016

Viewing statistical distribution for the project

September 25, 2016

Q: Viewing statistical distribution for the project
How do I see statistical distribution for project duration and cost without opening this project? I have many projects in portfolio and would prefer not to open them one by one.

You don't need to reopen project when you want to see statistical distribution for project duration, finish time, and cost. First, make sure that project is calculated. Results of Monte Carlo simulations are saved in the database for each project. If project is calculated go to Project -> Portfolio Gantt and then right click on project ID. Select Project Details from drop down menu. The following dialog will come up: (see picture)
You can double click on each histogram to see details, such as enlarged chart, statistics, and raw data. Also you may double click on Gantt bar within a Portfolio Gantt view and present the same dialog with statistical distributions of project duration, finish time, and cost.

For more information please visit:

How do I use the Local Risk view

September 25, 2016

Q: How do I use the Local Risk view
I noticed that there is a “Local Risks” view that you can only open up via the All Views dialog. What is it used for.

A: With the new Drag N’ Drop risk, the Local Risks view’s previous primary use (assigning risks to specific groups of tasks) was somewhat superseded and for space purposes, it was moved off of the main ribbons and workflow bars. However, it is still very useful for advanced users who want to quickly editing groups of risk assignments.

To open the Local Risk view, on the ribbon click All Views > Local Risks. If you have a group of activities with one or more common risks that you would like to modify, select those activities from the list on the left. Any risks that is assigned to all of the tasks will appear in the small risk list on the left. This list includes not only the risks, but each risk outcome assignment. You can now modify these risks. Note: The risk view uses an AND operator for selected tasks when displaying risks. For example, if you select Task1, Task2, and Task3 only risks assigned to all 3 of the tasks will be shown.

For more information please visit: