Saturday 9 January 2016

Intaver Institute scheduled two new free webinars

January 6, 2015

Intaver Institute scheduled two new webinars

Intaver Institute Inc. scheduled two free webinars.
Webinar "Mastering risk analysis with RiskyProject" will be held Tuesday, March 8 2016. The standards for effective planning and management of projects are increasingly adopting Monte Carlo project risk analysis as an essential tool in an environment that is characterized by increased complexity and lowered risk tolerance. This webinar will show you a step by step process how to import project plans from other scheduling software, add uncertainty and risk events, understand how to analyse the results.
Webinar "Integrated project risk analysis" will be held Tuesday, May 3, 2016. Risk in projects can come from two main sources Risk events and uncertainties. Risk events are discrete risks that are commonly captured in risk registers and are characterized by probability and impact. Uncertainties are inherent natural randomness that is found in all processes. Both should be included as part of your project risk analysis model. This webinar will show you how to assign risk events and uncertainties to your activities, how to model risk factors, how to interpret results of analysis with discrete events and uncertainties.
Also we would like to remind you that our next webinar "Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis with RiskyProject" will be held Tuesday, Jan 12, 2016. Please click here to register for this webinar.

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