Saturday 16 January 2016

How are original and actuals estimates handled?

January 13, 2016

Q: How are original and actuals estimates handled?

How are the lo/base/hi duration values related to full duration vs remaining duration? I presume it is these values that are passed to the simulation engine. Are there other dependencies that I would need to account for?

A: As noted in the documenation, you have two choices. If you only update the Most Likely (base estimate), then RiskyProject will automatically recalculate remaining duration for Low and High based on original estimates. For example if you have an activity with an original estimate of 8,10, and 14 days Base, Low, and High respectively and after 5 days, you status it 50% complete with 5 days remaining. RiskyProject will use the original low and high estimates to recalculate the Low as 4 and High as 7 days.
If you update all 3 values, you need set where the updated actuals are in the Field Mappping dialog in the Remaining Duration field. Unless you would like to keep a record of the original low and high estimates, I recommend that you select "Remaining and original duration are mapped to the same fields."
If you are just running SRA, in the mapping dialog you can exclude data types to speed up the analysis. This is found in the checkboxes at the bottom of the Field Mapping dialog.

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