Sunday 17 January 2016

Basing SRA off of Remaining Duration

January 13, 2016

Q: Basing SRA off of Remaining Duration
This would be the correct way to perform Schedule risk analysis (accomplished effort is known with certainly)? Do I have to go through the MSP schedule to 'update' the Mapped Fields following each status'g of the schedule or does SRA look at Base Duration along with % Complete to do the math in the background.

A: There is a description of how we deal with actuals in the User Guide, see ” Calculating and reassessing tasks using tracking data”. In our case, we refer to actuals as tracking actual performance.
Briefly if you do not have time to read the guide, if you have an updated schedule in MSP and have all the field mappings set up in the Addin or the desktop client, it will handle it. So if you update only the most likely remaining duration, RiskyProject takes status date, % complete, and uses the original statistical distribution to run the simulation. If you update the Low, Most Likely, and High estimates for remaining duration, we will use these values plus % complete and status date.

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