Saturday 26 November 2016

Analysis Reports

November 24, 2016

Q: Analysis Reports
There seems to be a lot of different reporting/analysis views that available in RiskyProject. Other than the standard statistical reports, is there any particular report that you think is valuable?

A: The histograms, cumulative probability and tornado charts tell us what, but they don’t tell us why. There is on report that I do think is often over looked and underused because it doesn’t have the eye catching charts, but is extremely effective at communicating the “why” of the analysis: the All Risks report.

The All Risks report is available in RiskyProject Professional in the Reports tab. It provides a very good overview of all important risk modeling information per risk in an easy to read and customize format. In many ways it is the counterpart to the Risk Register view which provides a high level view of the results of the simulation. However, if you really need to understand how each risk was assigned or modelled, you would have to drill down into the risk information. The All Risks report automatically provides this risk assignment information for all the project risks in an easy to understand format and can be customized to show as little or as much information about risk assignment that you require.

Below is an example of the report. As you can see, it quickly provides information regarding how the risk has been assigned to the project and is a great tool if you need to review your modelling assumptions with our team or other stakeholders.

To generate the All Risk report, simply click Reports > Report All Risks. Use the Customize Report button at the top to add or delete report elements. You can easily print the report, from the File > Print menu.

For more information please visit:

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