Saturday 26 March 2016

Non-standard shift

March 24, 2016

Q: Non-standard shift
How can I assign non-standard shifts in calendars, e.g. all Mondays are not working; how calendar exceptions are defined?.

A: All calendars are defined in the Working Time dialog box. RiskyProject comes with 4 predefined calendars:

Standard Working Time: Monday to Friday, 8 am – 5 pm, 1 hr lunch break
Morning Off: 1-5 pm.
Afternoon Off: 8 am – 12pm
24 Hours: 24 hrs/day, 7 day/week

If you select any of these calendars, they will apply these settings to the entire project calendar which can be set in Project Settings.
You can apply these settings to specific days in a calendar, by selecting a day and then clicking the working time options. For example if you wanted (as above) set Monday as non-working time, you would select each Monday in the calendar and then click the Nonworking Time option. When exceptions are made to the project calendar, the days are marked with a bar to indicate an exception.

By default if you import your schedule from another scheduling tool, RiskyProject will use the calendars that are defined in the scheduling tool.

For more information please visit:


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