Q: Width of the bar on the frequency chart
Is width of the bar on the frequency chart for project duration associated with any particular time interval?
A: Width of the bar is defined by number of pixels and not associated with particular time interval. The same true for cost, start and finish time, work and other frequency charts. The bar width is defined in "Chart Options" dialog. To access chart options dialog right click on the chart and select "Options".
Maximum bar width is 30 pixels, minimum is 6 pixels. The issue is chart options are saved for all tasks and all project in the system registry or in the database of RiskyProject enterprise. Duration of the projects and tasks could be very different. If you define width of the bar in actual units (days, months, etc.) the histograms will look very different for different tasks and projects.
For more information visit: http://www.intaver.com/IntaverFrm/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1222
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