Tuesday 2 February 2016

Is there any quick way to generate report on recent activity etc in a risk register

January 29, 2016

Q: Is there any quick way to generate report on recent activity etc in a risk register
How to get a quick summary report for recent activity and current high level status of the risk register that is more high level than the risk register view.

A: My suggestion is that you look at the Risk Register statistics report. This can be found on the top right corner of the Risk Register. Click the Statistics button to open it. This is the Risk Register dashboard that provides some higher level updates on the current status of risks and most recent activity. This includes information about number of open and closed risks, number of risks, issues, lessons learned, number of threats, opportunities or both. It also includes total cost of risks before and after mitigation, number of mitigation and response plans, as well as information about latest risks. Some mitigation and response plans can be assigned to certain activities, some don't. Risk Register statistics report allows to monitor it.

For more information visit: www.intaver.com


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