Sunday 21 February 2016

Risk for rate

February 18, 2016

Q: Risk for rate
Is it possible to assign risk related to increase of rate for resources? For example, rate $10/hour can be reduced because of certain factors.

A: RiskyProject has risk outcome type called "Rate Increase". If this risk occurs, the rate for resource this risk is assign to will increase on certain value. To define rate risk outcome you need to select a resource, then you need to double click on resource ID. Then go to risk tab. Under "Outcome Type", you would need to select "Rate increase" and under "Outcome" enter a percentage of rate increase. You can enter a negative number as well. In this case it will be an opportunity.

Rate increase will lead to increase variable cost of all tasks this resource as assigned to. However units for resource assignment could be different for different tasks. In this case probability of resource risk will be reduced in accordance to the units.

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