Sunday 28 February 2016

Risk Register Report

February 25, 2016

Q: Risk Register Report
Is there a report for all risks in risk register?

A:  There are actually 2 reports that can fill the function. Which one you choose depends upon the information that you want to include.
In the Reports tab, the Report All Risks view allows you to generate a report that includes textual information about each risk. This can be very useful if you would like a quick overview of how the risk is assigned to various activities and resources. Some of our users use this report specifically when during reviews they need to defend/explain their assumptions behind the risk model. In the example below, the report illustrates how each risk has been assigned in a project. This is often used by projects that are using risk drivers, but are not managing the risks with the risk register.

The other risk report is found in the Risks tab. The Risk Report is suitable if you are managing risks, that is you have put risk plans using the risk mitigation waterfall chart in place along with status updates, etc. This report provides complete report on each risk of all the information that has been entered into the risk register. To create report, go to the Reports tab, Risk Report. To generate a report on all the risks in the register, highlight all of the risks.
To print out reports, go the File>Print. You can preview how it will be published using the Print Preview.

For more information please visit:


Saturday 27 February 2016

Low and high estimates for durations and costs

February 25, 2016

Q: Low and high estimates for durations and costs
We setup low and high estimates for the group of tasks. How to disable it?

A:  I am assuming that you mean that you selected a group of tasks and assigned low and high durations using coefficients. If this is the case, then you can reset the low and high estimates very easily.

Select the group of activities. Right-click on the task ID and click Set Low/High Duration. Now, click the Set low high durations equal base duration option. It works the same way for fixed cost. It is important to note that if you setup low and duration and cost manually, you can also use this process to clear low and high estimates.

For more information please visit:


User Permissions to Different Project

February 25, 2016

Q: User Permissions to Different Project
How do I assign user permissions to a specific project in #RiskyProject Enterprise?

A: First you must logon to RiskyProject Enterprise as an Administrator. You must have administrator permissions to make such changes. Once you are in RiskyProject go to File> User Administration.

You will see the Project Permissions tab. Open it and you will see the dialog which is separated into 2 lists, the Project hierarchy on the left and a list of users on the right. Now select the project to which you want to add the user and then select a user. You can select one or more users.
Click OK to save the changes.

For more information please visit:


Wednesday 24 February 2016

Width of the bar on the frequency chart

February 20, 2016

Q: Width of the bar on the frequency chart
Is width of the bar on the frequency chart for project duration associated with any particular time interval?

A: Width of the bar is defined by number of pixels and not associated with particular time interval. The same true for cost, start and finish time, work and other frequency charts. The bar width is defined in "Chart Options" dialog. To access chart options dialog right click on the chart and select "Options".
Maximum bar width is 30 pixels, minimum is 6 pixels. The issue is chart options are saved for all tasks and all project in the system registry or in the database of RiskyProject enterprise. Duration of the projects and tasks could be very different. If you define width of the bar in actual units (days, months, etc.) the histograms will look very different for different tasks and projects.

For more information visit:


Sunday 21 February 2016

Risk for rate

February 18, 2016

Q: Risk for rate
Is it possible to assign risk related to increase of rate for resources? For example, rate $10/hour can be reduced because of certain factors.

A: RiskyProject has risk outcome type called "Rate Increase". If this risk occurs, the rate for resource this risk is assign to will increase on certain value. To define rate risk outcome you need to select a resource, then you need to double click on resource ID. Then go to risk tab. Under "Outcome Type", you would need to select "Rate increase" and under "Outcome" enter a percentage of rate increase. You can enter a negative number as well. In this case it will be an opportunity.

Rate increase will lead to increase variable cost of all tasks this resource as assigned to. However units for resource assignment could be different for different tasks. In this case probability of resource risk will be reduced in accordance to the units.

For more information visit:


RiskyProject Enterprise on Individual Computer

February 18, 2016

Q: RiskyProject Enterprise on Individual Computer
Can I run RiskyProject enterprise on my personal computer without using server?

A: Yes. If you evaluate RiskyProject Enterprise you can install it on individual computer. You can follow all instructions in RiskyProject Administrator guide. First thing you need to do is to install SQL Server database. It is possible to use SQL Server Express, which can be downloaded from Microsoft free of charge. RiskyProject supports all versions of SQL Server express starting from 2005. Please remember to install not only database itself, but also Management Studio. It simplifies working with the database.

Then install database by running RiskyProjectDB.exe. You will be presented with a dialog to configure a connection to the database:
You need to enter Server Name, which is defined when you configure SQL Server Express, logon credentials and database name. You can test connection to ensure that everything is properly configured. Then you need to install RiskyProject, select RiskyProject Enterprise and also configure connection to the database. The last step is not define a user. You will need only one user since you are running software on your personal computer. First time you logon to RiskyProject Enterprise you need to enter user name "sa". After this you will be prompted to enter new user name and password.

For more information visit:


Saturday 20 February 2016

February 17, 2016

Built On Vision is new Intaver Institute's technology parther

Built On Vision has become Intaver's new technology partner. "Built On Vision" is a cloud based software suite that provides leading edge project controls tools. "Built On Schedule" allows you to compare multiple schedules instantly so that you can identify trends and analyze issues. "Built on ProductivityTM" works with your ERP or costing system to mine cost and labor data for valuable analysis within your project allowing you to make targeted adjustments. "Built on Forecast" allows you to accurately forecast your project from anywhere while tracking communications about changes in real time and instantly comparing it to prior forecasts. "Built On Balance" gives you the power to leverage Line of Balance and render your schedule into a simple graph that eliminates the need to bring multiple reports into a CPM meeting.

Monday 15 February 2016

Critical Business Analysis, Inc. is Intaver's new consulting partner

February 9, 2016

Critical Business Analysis, Inc. is Intaver's new consulting partner

Critical Business Analysis, Inc. has become Intaver's new consulting partner. For over 30 years, Critical Business Analysis, Inc. has been committed to the advancement of project and program management expertise. CBA's real-world experience offers a wide-range of professional services in a variety of industries including public agencies, utilities, petrochemicals, corporate engineering, construction management and design. CBA, Inc. has distinguished itself as a leader in Primavera P6 and related software implementation and knowledge transfer. Additionally, CBA provides project team extension through staff augmentation of highly qualified project management professionals. CBA take pride in every service we provide, knowing that even small enhancements can achieve great results.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 14 February 2016

Task duration mean

February 6, 2016

Q: Task duration mean
What is the difference between duration mean and duration mean (statistical results)?

A: When you see list of columns of tasks you can find two sets of columns "Duration Mean" and "Duration Mean (statistical results)". List of columns can be accessed by right click to header in each task view, for example in Gantt Chart view. Then you can select "Insert Column Before" or "Insert Column After". You will be list of columns under "Field Type" drop down list.
Results for column "Duration Mean (statistical results)" is calculated as a mean of a difference between start and finish time on each iteration of Monte Carlo simulations. Results of column "Duration Mean" is calculated as Mean Finish time minus Mean Start Time. These results are different by definition. In most cases the difference is insignificant. However in avoid a confusion we recommend using "Duration Mean". "Duration Mean" is used for duration of whole project in Project Summary view.

For more information visit:


Monday 8 February 2016

Database schema in RiskyProject

February 4, 2016

Q: Database schema in RiskyProject

We are trying to integrate RiskyProject to our system. Can we read RiskyProject results from RiskyProject Database directly?

A: RiskyProject Enterprise has open data schema. It has all information necessary for performing project risk analysis and risk management.
We don't store information about project schedules in the tables. They are saved in the binary object (BLOB). Here is a set of tables for RiskyProject database. The rest of information, including simulation results for tasks and for whole projects are stored in the database. It includes all samples for duration, cost, start and finish times on all iterations. Other information in the database include all data related to risk register. All risk properties are saved in the database, as well as risk categories, risk history, risk reviews and risk assignments. Risk assignment table includes information about risk probabilities and impact for all risk alternatives.
We will maintain this database structure for all versions forward. We will add tables and columns for specific tables, but we will preserve all data structure in existing columns. If you are thinking about integration with #RiskyProject Enterprise we will provide you with detailed description of our database structure.

For more information please visit:

February 4, 2016

Q: Monte Carlo summary results
When I click on the Gantt bar for the project in RiskyProject Enterprise, I don't see any results in some cases.

A: Project summary dialog in RIskyProject Enterprise supposes to show results of Monte Carlo simulation for the project. The same dialog is used in RiskyProject Addin for Microsoft Project, after you perform Monte Carlo simulations inside Microsoft Project. The dialog shows statistical distributions of project duration for cost, finish time, and duration. It also shows basin project parameters including deterministic and probabilistic duration, cost, and finish time.
If you don't see any probabilistic results in this dialog, most likely it is because your project does not have any results. It is not calculated: Monte Carlo simulations are not run for this project. When you use #RiskyProject Enterprise you need to have calculated result before saving the project. Otherwise results will not be saved to the RiskyPoject database. RiskyProject will ask you save results in RiskyProject database because your close a project. You need to say Yes if you want to see the results within this dialog.

For more information please visit:


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Is there any quick way to generate report on recent activity etc in a risk register

January 29, 2016

Q: Is there any quick way to generate report on recent activity etc in a risk register
How to get a quick summary report for recent activity and current high level status of the risk register that is more high level than the risk register view.

A: My suggestion is that you look at the Risk Register statistics report. This can be found on the top right corner of the Risk Register. Click the Statistics button to open it. This is the Risk Register dashboard that provides some higher level updates on the current status of risks and most recent activity. This includes information about number of open and closed risks, number of risks, issues, lessons learned, number of threats, opportunities or both. It also includes total cost of risks before and after mitigation, number of mitigation and response plans, as well as information about latest risks. Some mitigation and response plans can be assigned to certain activities, some don't. Risk Register statistics report allows to monitor it.

For more information visit:

January 29, 2016

Q: Baselines for risk information
What is the purpose of the risk in different baselines chart for risk information dialog box.

A: RiskyProject Professional has the ability to save project plans as different baselines. Not only can these baselines have different schedules, but they can also have different risks or same risks with different probabilities and impacts.
Because of this capability, baselines are normally used to model risk plan scenarios and how they can impact project objectives. It is useful to check efficiencies of mitigation and response plans. The Risk in multiple baselines is used to show risk probability and impact for each scenario (baseline). To view risk in different baselines you need to create baselines in Schedule -> Baselines -> Set.

For more information visit:


Monday 1 February 2016

P10 and P90 percentiles on frequency histograms

January 20, 2016

Q: P10 and P90 percentiles on frequency histograms

How can a present P10 and P90 percentiles on frequency and cumulative probability plots in RiskyProject?

A: In current version of RiskyProject for each frequency and cumulative probability plots we have a slider at the top of the bar. You can move this slider and see a probability associated with certain value. For example, you can see that there is a 60% chance that project of task will be completed in 20 days. This way you can see value associated with P10 or P90. In next versions in addition to this slider we are going to how line associated with particular probability, such P10 and P90. It will be separate lines independent of slider, so slider will remain as it is.
You have an options to enable/disable this slider. To do it just right click on the chart and selection options. Format Chart dialog box will come up. You can check or uncheck option "Slider". The chart will be re-drawing with or without this slider.

For more information visit:


Modify project summary

January 29, 2016

Q: Modify project summary

We want to use the Project Summary as our dashboard. Is there any way to modify it?

A: Most of the elements in the Project Summary are hard coded i.e. they cannot be moved or modified. However, you can modify how the charts appear. If you right click on a chart, you are given a range of options of how the chart is displayed.
These include showing the Frequency and/or Cumulative Probability. In the options: you can modify colours including colors on the left and right of the slider, showing grids, headers, or the slider, width of bars (dictates the number that can be shown). To modify chart you need to right click on the Frequency and/or Cumulative Probability plot and then then select Options.

For more information visit:
