Saturday 17 December 2016

How can I view only specific risks?

December 1, 2016

Q:How can I view only specific risks?
We have large project and the risk register currently has over 100 risks and it is becoming difficult to find specific risks. We would like to see just the subset of risks that are impacting our team. Is there anyway to do this?

A: Yes, you can filter the risk register based on any risk property. In the risk Custom Properties you can use one of the predefined properties eg. Division or Team. Ensure that when risks are identified that the property is populated with your team’s unique name (e.g Design). This can then be used to filter the risk.

To define a filter, click the Filter button on the Risk Register. In the example below, we created a filter to show risks being managed by the Drilling Crew. Filters use Boolean logic and with and or statements, so this could be extended to Managers for specific regions or other properties.

For more information please visit:

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