Monday 5 September 2016

Cannot enter distribution

September 1, 2016

Q: Cannot enter distribution
I created new task in RiskyProject, then I was trying to define distribution, but RiskyProject does not let me do so.

A: In order to define statistical distribution for duration or cost, you need first to define low and high estimates of duration and cost. For example, you can create new task. Low, base and high durations of this task will be 5 day by default. Then you can double click on task ID. Task information dialog will come up. Then you can go Distribution tab. You cannot define any statistical distributions because you did not define different low and high estimates of duration. You need to go back to task grid and define different low and high estimates for duration, for example, 3 days and 7 days. Then go to Task information dialog, Distribution tab and define statistical distribution. The same is true to fixed cost distribution.

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