Sunday 25 September 2016

New Intaver Institute's partner: Almagesto

September 16, 2016

New Intaver Institute's partner: Almagesto

Almagesto offers whole solutions designed to achieve customer satisfaction in business plan design and improving economic and personal growth of your company. ALMAGESTO is a Professional Group with wide expertise in methodological approaches such as those established by the PMI® and IPMA®, risk specialists PMI-RMP® and professionals in Scrum Master® certified. ALMAGESTO provides a support in the implementation methodologies for managing Portfolios, Programs and Projects (PPPM). Almagesto is located in Bogota, Columbia and will resell RiskyProject in Latin America.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 18 September 2016

Risk impact for a specific risk category

September 13, 2016

Q: Risk impact for a specific risk category
We have decided that one of our risks will not impact a category (safety in this case). How do I remove that impact from the risk assignment?

A: We refer to this as a risk outcome. Risk outcomes are related to risk categories; normally the relationship is 1:1, though it is possible to add more than one outcome to for each risk category. Regardless, to remove a risk outcome from a risk assignment, in the Risk Register double-click on the risk in which you want to remove a risk outcome assignment and click the Assign to tasks or resources tab(or Probabilities and Outcomes for qualitative risk assignment). Right-click on the risk outcome that you want to delete and from the shortcut menu click Delete row.

For more information please visit:

Saturday 17 September 2016

Removing conditional or probabilistic branches

September 13, 2016

Q: Removing conditional or probabilistic branches
I have set up a couple of branches that I would like to delete from my schedule, but I can’t find a way to remove them.

A: To remove a branch, double click on the task ID to open the Task Information and then click the Branching tab. Branching tab includes all information about probabilistic and conditional branching. From the Condition drop-down list corresponding to the successor branch condition you would like to remove and scroll to the top of the list. Select the blank space at the top of the list and then click OK. The branch will be removed. It does not matter if this branch was related to probabilistic or conditional branching.

For more information please visit:

Import MS Project schedule

September 13, 2016

Q: Import MS Project schedule
When I import my master schedule I am getting differences in the dates shown in MS Project and RiskyProject. Is there any reason why this might be happening?

A: Master schedules are often problematic and not just for use with RiskyProject. As they are often represent a program of projects that are being managed by several different project teams or organisations until they are all brought together, they often become out of date or out of synchronization with each other and this can become a problem with links between the subprojects. Activities in one project that is linked to another can be shifted, deleted etc, causing any links between it and other subprojects to out of date.

In the case that you are describing, you have managed to import the master schedule, but the dates for some activities have shifted. This can often happen if because of sort of issues described above, the logic in the Master Schedule is broken. Commonly, was a program is under way, it may be that you have predecessors starting before successors. When there are problems with the network logic, RiskyProject highlights the problem predecessor links in red. By following the predecessor links in red, you should be able to go back and troubleshoot your master schedule to update the links.
A simple example below, shows to activities that have actual start dates. However, Task 10 is the predecessor of Task 2, however, it started before Task 2. The broken logic is shown with the red link. While you can fix this in RiskyProject, when these issues appear, we recommend that these issues are addressed in the originating schedules.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 11 September 2016

2M-PMC is new Intaver Institute's value added reseller

September 2, 2016

2M-PMC is new Intaver Institute's value added reseller

2M-PMC is an advanced, multi-disciplined Management Consultancy, providing Strategic Planning, Business Development, Project Management and Risk Management, with the experience and expertise to ensure that strategic plans are achievable, business cases robust and projects are delivered to ensure maximum value for the business. 2M-PMC is located in Tyne and Wear, UK.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Links between tasks

September 1, 2016

Q: Links between tasks
In my RiskyProject Gantt charts some links between tasks are shown in blue, some in red, and some in green. Is any significance in this?

A: In RiskyProject color of a line, representing a link between task cannot be customized. There are three colors available:

- blue color - regular link between tasks (Start-Start, Finish-Finish, Start-Finish, or Finish-Start)

- red color - represents scheduling conflict. For example, if link is Finish-Start, bit successors starts before predecessor ends

- green color - branching. Branching is not a regular link. Branching is defined in Branching tab of task information dialog. When you define probabilistic or conditional branching, only one branch will be executed on each Monte Carlo iteration. Because branching behaves differently than regular link, RiskyProject depicts links using different (green) color. Also icon next to task name for branching is different and includes small green arrow.

For more information please visit:

Monday 5 September 2016

Contribution of variance

September 1, 2016

Q: Contribution of variance
I saw different ways to calculate sensitivity coefficients in RiskyProject. What is a contribution to variance?

A: RiskyProject uses two algorithms to calculate sensitivity calculation: rank order correlation coefficient and contribution to variance. You can select either way to perform calculation. In most cases we use Spearman's rank correlation coefficient .
1. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is a non-parametric measure of statistical dependence between two variables. Perfect positive correlation coefficient equals +1.
2. Contribution to Variance is calculated by squaring the rank correlation coefficients and normalizing them to 100%.

To select the sensitivity calculation method:
1.Click the Analysis tab on the Workflow bar and then click Sensitivity Analysis.
2.Click Sensitivity Calculation Algorithm.The Sensitivity Calculation dialog box opens.
3.Select the calculation method.

For more information please visit:

Cannot enter distribution

September 1, 2016

Q: Cannot enter distribution
I created new task in RiskyProject, then I was trying to define distribution, but RiskyProject does not let me do so.

A: In order to define statistical distribution for duration or cost, you need first to define low and high estimates of duration and cost. For example, you can create new task. Low, base and high durations of this task will be 5 day by default. Then you can double click on task ID. Task information dialog will come up. Then you can go Distribution tab. You cannot define any statistical distributions because you did not define different low and high estimates of duration. You need to go back to task grid and define different low and high estimates for duration, for example, 3 days and 7 days. Then go to Task information dialog, Distribution tab and define statistical distribution. The same is true to fixed cost distribution.

For more information please visit: