Monday 18 April 2016

When should I use resource risks?

April 12, 2016

Q: When should I use resource risks?

What is the difference between assigning risks to resources rather than activities?

A: Risks sometimes associated with specific project resources that are assigned to specific resources. It is possible to assign the risk to all of the activities to which a resource is assigned. However, if you have a risk to a specific resource, for example, the rate, you can quickly assign this cost risk to your project by assigning it to the resource. This risk will then impact all of the activities to which this resource is assigned. Therefore, by assigning a risk to a resource, you can quickly and easily “broadcast” this resource risk to all of it the activities it will impact.

In this example, the risk (uncertainty) of the Drilling Crew’s rate will impact all of the activities to which the Drilling Crew is assigned.

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