Sunday 17 April 2016

Two new articles on Risk Engineering and Project Management

April 11, 2016

Two new articles on Risk Engineering and Project Management

Intaver Institute has published two new articles Risk Engineering and How to Process Project Information. Risk management when viewed from a very high level is really about asking three key questions: what could happen, what would be the impact if it did happen, and what can we do about it? Risk engineering is managing risks in such a way that that you can deliver project value with the least amount of risk. Once you understand this key concept, you can then use risk engineering to understand the causes of the risk and the best approach to minimizing its impact on your key project objectives.

The second article "How to Process Project Information" discusses the nature of information, how it is produced and how we interpret it through our own personal motivations and biases. When managing projects we are constantly inundated with complex and often conflicting information. Much of this information is created or delivered in a manner to persuade you to take certain actions. This article goes over some of the methods that are used to manipulate certain well know human cognitive biases and how to recognize them. Further, it outlines strategies that you can use to counteract this flood of information to ensure you have the clear understanding of your project.

For more information please visit:

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