Sunday 12 March 2017

Base duration for Normal and Uniform distributions

March 10, 2017

Q: Base duration for Normal and Uniform distributions
I have Low Duration = 5 days, Base Duration = 6 days and High Duration = 10 days. I think Base Duration is ignored when I define Normal and Uniform distributions.

A: Base duration is not used for the sampling process when you define any distributions except for Triangular. The image below presents your case.


Please note that base duration is reflected in Triangular distribution, but Normal distribution is generated based on low and high duration values only. The same is true for non-symmetrical distributions, such as lognormal. You may use slides in Distribution tab to adjust most likely (peak) of lognormal. However base duration is used for deterministic (original) project schedule. Sometimes you may switch distribution to Triangular from any other, therefore it is important to ensure that base duration is correct.

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