Sunday 19 March 2017

New webinar on project risk analysis.

March 17, 2017
New webinar on project risk analysis.
New fee webinar “Step-by-step Schedule Risk Analysis with RiskyProject” is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2017,
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM MST (UTC-07:00).  This this webinar you will learn about few simple steps how to streamline your risk analysis and communicate the results. To register for webinar please click here.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Maximum number of mitigation and response plans

March 10, 2017

Q: Maximum number of mitigation and response plans
What is the maximum number of mitigation and response plans in RiskyProject?

A: Maximum number of mitigation and response plans in risk mitigation view is 2000. Maximum number of mitigation plans which can be assigned to one risk and presented within Waterfall diagram of Risk Information dialog is also 2000.
It is more than enough for any work in risk mitigation. Please note that in any view in grids there different number of maximum number of rows. For example, maximum number of tasks is 20,000, maximum number of resources is 2,000. Maximum number of risks is also 2,000.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 12 March 2017

Base duration for Normal and Uniform distributions

March 10, 2017

Q: Base duration for Normal and Uniform distributions
I have Low Duration = 5 days, Base Duration = 6 days and High Duration = 10 days. I think Base Duration is ignored when I define Normal and Uniform distributions.

A: Base duration is not used for the sampling process when you define any distributions except for Triangular. The image below presents your case.


Please note that base duration is reflected in Triangular distribution, but Normal distribution is generated based on low and high duration values only. The same is true for non-symmetrical distributions, such as lognormal. You may use slides in Distribution tab to adjust most likely (peak) of lognormal. However base duration is used for deterministic (original) project schedule. Sometimes you may switch distribution to Triangular from any other, therefore it is important to ensure that base duration is correct.

For more information please visit:

Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
Home of Project Risk Management and Project Risk Analysis software RiskyProject

Saturday 11 March 2017

What is the difference between risk outcome value and risk outcome type?

February 27, 2017

Q: What is the difference between risk outcome value and risk outcome type?
Risk Outcomes and Risk Outcome Types

A: In RiskyProject, the word Outcome was originally added to differentiate risk assessment inputs and outputs. In RiskyProject, outcome types and outcomes are analogous risk categories and impacts when entering risk assignments to the system. Outcome types are analogous to risk categories. When the system risk register is set up, the system has hardcoded risk categories and outcomes.

When you assign risks, you select the outcome type and then the outcome which is the estimated impact of the risk on the outcome type.

For more information please visit:

Defining uncertainties for lags

February 27, 2017

Q: Defining uncertainties for lags
Do you have statistical distributions for lags and how are they defined?

A: Yes, if you want to define a lag with uncertainty (has a most likely, low and high estimates) , you can add this to the predecessor in the Task Information > Predecessors tab.

When you create a predecessor link to a task, open the Task Information dialog box and click the Predecessors tab. Here you can add the Low, Base, and High estimates for the lag as well as select the statistical distribution type.

For more information please visit:

Sunday 5 March 2017

Assigning Risks to specific objects in the Portfolio Hierarchy

February 27, 2017

Q: Assigning Risks to specific objects in the Portfolio Hierarchy
How to can I assign risks to a specific division of our company in RiskyProject Enterprise?

A: In RiskyProject Enterprise, you can use both projects and summary projects to represent divisions, regions, facilities, or other type of organization object. Your companies structure can be represented in the Portfolio hierarchy and each one of the objects will have its own separate risk register.
Once you have created your organizations structure, you can add risks specifically to each division or other level of the hierarchy using Risk Visibility settings. Risk Visibility allows you to set where in your organization’s hierarchy the risk can be assigned.

For more information please visit: