Sunday 5 February 2017

January 31, 2017

Q: Do I have to renter all of my estimates if they already exist to run a simulation?
Hi, I have a very large schedule and already have gathered all of the low and high estimates needed to run a Monte Carlo simulation. The problem is that I have to use the Addin’ s Duration dialog box to add a statistical distribution type and seeds and when I do this it overwrites my original estimates.

A: If you do not require a statistical distribution other than triangular distribution, then all you require is to map your Low and High estimates in the Field Mapping dialog box. In the example below, the fields are Duration1 and Duration2 for low and high estimates respectively. In addition, we have selected Text11 to contain the statistical distribution information. The statistical distribution information contains the estimates in hours, Seed number, and distribution type and is written in this format: 1^480^1440^2400^351317824^0^2^0 (see the User Guide for description.) In the example below, we have not added any statistical distribution data. However, even without this data defined, you can run a quick simulation.
When the data is prepared for the Monte Carlo simulation, if there are low and high estimates for a task, but no Seed or distribution type, RiskyProject automatically adds the seed and a triangular distribution to all tasks with low and high estimates. All you need to do is click the Calculate button to run the simulation. You will know it is complete, when the Project Information opens.

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