Thursday 27 August 2015

Two New Intaver Institute's White Papers

August 26, 2015 Two New Intaver Institute's White Papers Intaver Institute published two new white paper. The first paper is Behavioral Traps in Project Management. You are driving down a highway, and as usual, you have chosen the fast lane. However, today, it seems to be moving more slowly than usual and when you glance to the side, the adjacent lane appears to be moving faster. After 5 minutes without improvement, you are starting to wonder whether you should switch lanes, but because you have already spent some time what is normally the fast lane, you hope that it will eventually resume its normal pace. Essentially, you have become entrapped. In this paper we will discuss behavioral traps or situations where people become engaged in rational course of actions which later become undesirable. The second paper is called Memory Errors in Project Management. A lot of the mental mistakes we are prone to in project management are related memory. Often, we cannot properly assess events because we have forgotten similar events that occurred in our past. In this paper we will explore how certain features of our memory can affect project management and how we can improve our memory and hopefully improve our project management.

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