Sunday 12 June 2016

Intaver Institute annouInced two new webinars

Intaver Institute News

June 9, 2016

Intaver Institute annouInced two new webinars

Intaver Institute announced two new webinars. The first webinar titled 'Sensitivity analysis: Prioritizing Risks and Activities' is focused to performing ' sensitivity analysis in RiskyProject. This webinar will be held Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 10 a.m. MST. The second webinar 'Using RiskyProject as a Risk Register' will help you to learn how to perform basic qualitative risk analysis and risk management in RiskyProject. This webinar will be held Tuesday, Sept 13, 2016 at 10 a.m. MST. For more information to register to our webinars please click here.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Renaming project

June 1, 2016

Q: Renaming project
How can I rename project within project hierarchy and update project parameters?

A: When you create new project in RiskyProject Enterprise by using New Project menu item, you can define any name of this project. However when you already defined a project schedule for this project, you cannot rename project unless you open it. To open a project just double click on project ID. The project will become editable. You can rename project as well as change other project settings, for example project start time. If you change project start time, it will be shifted. After you close the project, the new name will be reflected in the project hierarchy, but will become read only.

For more information please visit:


Importing schedule from Microsoft Project

June 1, 2016

Q: Importing schedule from Microsoft Project
How many tasks can I import from Microsoft Project?

A: You can import any number of tasks from Microsoft Project. The limitation is only your computer's memory. Please note that if you have integrated project schedule (with many projects and sub project) and your are working with master schedule, total integrated schedule will imported to RiskyProject. For example, if master schedule has 60 tasks, integrated schedule could have 20,000 tasks. Analysis of such schedules can make some time. Also please note that if you define project schedule in RiskyProject, maximum number of tasks is 20,000.

For more information please visit:


Long risk description

June 1, 2016

Q: Long risk description
I have long description of the risk which does fit on one row in risk register. Can I use multiple lines in the row for display and printing.

A: Current version of RiskyProject only allows you to enter one line of text. However in next versions of RiskyProject risk register will support multiple line of any text, for example risk description. Currently you can extend to column to show longer text. To do it just drag the column's header. Please note that when you print risk register report column sizes you defined in risk register view will be maintained. For example if you extend risk description column in risk register view, this column will be longer in the printed report as well.

For more information please visit:
